Update (change of date) and more about our work

Hello everyone,

nice to see ya here ! first,i need to announce a change of date for the last update on Omega No Sunshine.

that was planned november the 10th, the fact are that we worked like crazy from the start to deliver it the sooner

possible and check the content.so basically the last update is near complete !

The new date for the last update is : October the 1st !

we hope you'll love it,this will bring a new place to discover,called midnight

it'll have 6 floors ,with an unplanned lil story that perfectly conclude this video game.

Further ! the last update is ending our support on this free video game.

now we work on a new video game,i wasn't allowed to tell too much last time but today,

all is okay.

January 2021,the 10th,sunday, it will be the launch of our next work.

a fresh new video game . title reveal....Onirized !

Onirized is a yearly game and have a story,this is a rpg (role playing game)

and the first year it'll have only one dungeon,that was our choice.

"only one?" yeah but a BIG one. the goal,for your character,will be to make its

path,in safety until the main discovering. the dungeon is specially made ,inspired

by omega no sunshine.if you loved omega no sunshine,you can only love our

new rpg, rpg ? yeah,i mean it'll have looting,fighting,level.

Onirized is a one player game,in full english language.

we actually work to bring controller support and it should be here at launch.

the public advised price will be 25€ on our personnal store

this video game asked us a lot of work and financial invest' so that was a price

choosen by our publisher to let the game stay in great shape and we are on it.

so that's january the 10th !!! until this date, we'll call some twitch broadcoasters

to see if one would appreciate letting you discover the game ! so no trailer is

planned (for now) but real gameplay video,yup.i'll announce later if a twitcher

accepted our request.

i hope you'll be a lot to play Onirized 2021 !

pre order start soon from an itch.io page !!!

(this is not sure,but we work on preorders to have a special bonus in game)



(written by Anon Hosuka,developer)

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