november update (more info about it)

hello everyone !

Today we know more about the next video game update.

that's still planned for november,precisely,the 11th !

this update is free and will be available for everyone .

now,i can talk about the content of this next update,

here is what should be available in the november update :

          - A new place to discover,called "Midnight" (about 5 or 6 floors)

          - A new success/achievement, called "Marathon Runner" (about finishing this new place)

          -A new character appearance (in the achievement room) ,it will be called FFF

          this is a new special character, FFF is for "Final Fantasy Fighter"

          so this is a character that "look like" a ff character,no right violated about it,this stay self made.

we won't be able to do more free content for this video game for of course financial reasons,

the following and last thing about this video game will be an extension planned for february the 14th

-so, november the 11th, free update with the midnight place (arcade)

-february 14th, release of a "Omega No Sunshine, Sunrise edition"

this is basically all the game and free additionnal content BUT with a new extension/expansion

called "Omega Sunrise"

this expansion will need a small payment (3$) it'll bring to the game a game mode,apart from the arcade 

part you actually know,the expansion will be more a role playing side,you'll have to fight and level up

in only one dungeon,made by hand, only the best fighters will be know as a hero !


The "2021 video game"

we wanted to do a second game of the same title,but we also have some doubt about it,

actually what we have done about it is pretty cool,we have gone deeper.the doubt

we have is about : do the players would love it ? and actually we haven't enough data,

feedback from our players,so...we don't really know your opinion even though we are

easily available to chat with.

so the 2021 new thing,could be a new video game ! ...or not.

so basically we need some thought on it,i hope we'll know more soon.

so yup,a lot is planned,will you support us ? i'll be honored.

Anon Hosuka,


Get Omega No Sunshine 1

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