studio news and dev plan

Hi everyone ,long time huh ? the cosmos studio have now right on the Galoxyum name(to find us more easily on web).

But well ,we have more to say at everyone !

Let's introduce the following dev plan we have !

- november the 11th 2021,update midnight
- february the 14th 2021, omazed extension (need a small payment for this extension,public price at 3$)
this is still a future game in work
-june the 10th 2021 ,early access of the game
arcade/story mode (public price at 15$)
-august the 10th 2021, vmaze update
adding an new arcade maze
-november the 11th 2021
omazed extension (this first one is free)
-June the 10th 2022
omazed second extension (public price at 5$)
-november the 11th 2022
omazed third extension (same.)

a deluxe edition for ONS2 is in thought as put the extension together would probably be more suited.

so that's it,for our 2years long term work planned.
Omega no sunshine will be our weapon,we'll keep the same engine as financial situation want it, but yup,things will be craaazyyy. we'll bring Rpg (role playing game) inside omega no sunshine.

starting february 14th omega no sunshine will become an arcade/rpg .we'll work hard,hoping you'll love all the content we plan to release in the future.

please,protect yourself and your family from covid19.
we love you.

Get Omega No Sunshine 1

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