Onirized, preorder open !

Hello , we are the galoxyum studio and the preorder are open !!!

from where come our video game ?

we work on a game called onirized,the title was found by our studio ,basically that's oni that mean evil in japanese language and rize for paradize (an old music album) so yup our characters will be between hell and paradise ! :) oni is also for the word behind dreams. we all do dreams,of different kind,but the better are ever the same the need of peace,the feeling of love,being proud...we all can find these feelings also in this game called Onirized.

this is made by galoxyum a studio with 15 years of experience. and we are...only two people behind this video game,Onirized was thought as a yearly game,where each year bring its new things,that'll make things grow bigger and bigger ! we work at seogwipo, a city on jeju island,south korea, we are kinda a mixed french-korean studio.

inspiration for Onirized...is only from Omega No Sunshine our previous project.

EDIT : sorry a lot have changed since then, the video game use now our latest improvement in game engine, so this is now more near of a classic rpg,well we planned it to be pretty big with time so...it would not be an error to tell that it will be inspired by our previous game crystal's heart.

what players can expect from Onirized  ?

you can expect the start of a new journey and so its own story, onirized is a role playing game,though you'll also find some arcade gameplay as we had on Omega no sunshine.you'll have a dungeon,only one,but a big one ! and your goal will be to travel inside this place,run around,fight,find loot,be a better fighter and try to find your own path.

the 2021 year is basically about a random character going citizen to a defender side.2021 edition have its own content,while the 2021 deluxe edition will get more content,additionnal treasure chest,exclusive weapon and perhaps more behind.

we plan the release and a main update for june.smaller update can still be released if necessary or to add some details in the gameplay.

if you have questions,ask them here galoxyum11@europe.com

or on facebook "Galoxyum GB"

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